My TeamPatient
After a successful login, you will see your home page.
For the Patient:
The Patient's Team Launchpad includes:
1. To do today - a list of To do items for the current day, with links to the individual items to view detail and ability to "Flag as completed" for items that have been completed.
2. Link to the To dos Calendar that consolidates the To do items from all groups for the current week. Optionally, this can also be viewed by day or month. To do items are color coded by type.
4. Manage Team drop-down list of Team actions such as 5. My Profile - links to Update preferences and Upload profile picture
6. My Messages - links to "My Messages", where you can read and reply to your messages. A number greater than zero next to this indicates that you have unread messages.
For the Team:
The Team members' home page includes:
1. A list and links to all the groups that you are a member of. These can be groups belonging to different Teams.
2. My Profile - links to Update preferences and Upload profile picture
3. My Messages - links to "My Messages", where you can read and reply to your messages. A number greater than zero next to this indicates that you have unread messages.