To Dos

View To Dos

Login » My Groups / Groups » GROUP NAME » To dos: View

All upcoming group To dos are shown on the group To do Calendar.

    1. Click on a specific item to show details.

    Additionally, you can also:
    2. Edit, or
    3. Delete

Add To Dos

Login » My Groups / Groups » GROUP NAME » To dos: Add

To add a new To do:

    1. Enter the required information, including: Task name, Begin date, Begin and End times
    2. Optionally, for daily tasks, e.g. take medication, select "Repeat: Daily". For Daily To dos, you will be asked to select an End date.
    3. Select the type of entry - Task, Appointment, Other
    4. Enter Detail - information about the To do item, e.g. address, special instructions, notes
    5. Submit.

Edit / Delete To Dos

Login » My Groups / Groups » GROUP NAME » To dos: Edit

You can:

    1. Edit event details.
    2. Delete an event.

A consolidated view of tasks from all groups is shown on the Calendar on your TeamPatient Team Launchpad.

To Dos Calendar


The To dos Calendar includes all tasks, appointments, and other activities created in your groups. The entries are color coded. To view a To do item detail:

    1. Click on the specific to do item.
    2. You will be taken to the detailed information in the specific group where it was created. You have the ability to edit, delete, or flag as complete past completed items.